La légalisation du cannabis. Une ethnographie d’un débat politique dans le Rif du Maroc

Catégorie : Article dans une revue

Auteur(s) : Khalid Mouna , Kenza Afsahi

Nom de la revue : Anthropos -Freiburg-

pp. 433-446

Année de publication : 2020

Résumé :

Based on an ethnographic survey on cannabis cultivation in Morocco, this article examines the emergence of economic, political, and associative elites in a marginalized space strongly marked by illegalism. The article also analyzes the relationships between these different actors with farmers at different levels (during an election campaign, during a meeting, and in the media field), in order to better understand the complexity of the debate on the legalization of cannabis in the Moroccan context.

Référence HAL : halshs-03283969

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