Ever more soft law? A dataset to compare binding and non-binding EU law across policy areas and over time (2004–2019)
Catégorie : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Bartolomeo Cappellina , Anne Ausfelder , Adam Eick , Romain Mespoulet , Sabine Saurugger , Miriam Hartlapp , Fabien Terpan
Nom de la revue : European Union Politics
pp. 741-757
Année de publication : 2022
Résumé :
What characterizes European Union soft law and what are its implications for the EU multilevel system? What is the proportion of hard and soft law in EU policy? Which types of soft law act are adopted in different policy sectors? This article introduces the conceptual and analytical framework that encompasses the EfSoLaw dataset and explains its methodology, advantages, and limitations. This dataset unites information on thousands of EU hard and soft law acts from seven different policy sectors, drawn from over fifteen years (2004–2019) and from various sources (EUR-Lex, DGs, agencies). We present implementation options of the dataset making it exploitable for other scholars and we propose hypotheses to explain the variation in the adoption of soft law in different policy sectors.
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