Comment produire l’expertise interdisciplinaire nécessaire à la gestion des wicked problems ?

Vincent Caby (Maître de conférences à Sciences Po Grenoble) présentera au Centre Emile Durkheim son article :

Comment produire l'expertise interdisciplinaire nécessaire à la gestion des wicked problems?

Building the interdisciplinary expertise needed to address wicked problems: Expert panel managers as interactional experts

Résumé : How is interdisciplinary expertise built? Which techniques and skills can be used to overcome the obstacles of dialogue between scientists in different disciplines and their fear of taking a position? Drawing on Gorman’s book on trading zones and Collins and Evans’ thinking on interactional expertise, this article analyses the work by individuals to manage five interdisciplinary panels commissioned by French ministries. It observes that these managers have different techniques to open, construct and close the debate. These techniques, which condition the submission of the final report, call for skills that managers acquire over the course of their experiences in trading zones.

Début : 21 novembre 2022 à 13:00
Fin : 21 novembre 2022 à 14:00
site Sciences Po Bordeaux, salle de convivialité
