Atelier Méthodes

This one sparks joy: data preparation for immaculate social science research

Animateur : Félix Lennert
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Data cleaning is an invaluable skill for empirically oriented social scientists. Data sets may come in formats that do not lend themselves well to further descriptive investigation, visualization, or statistical analysis. This workshop will introduce the participants to data manipulation and visualization using R. We will begin with a theoretical introduction to how data shall be structured. Thereafter, hands-on tutorials will equip you with the means to bring data sets into aforementioned desired structure. Finally, the workshop closes with a thorough introduction to data visualization using ggplot2

22 novembre à 9h30-16h00

23 novembre à 9h30-13h00

Inscription en présentiel : écrire à : Viviane Le Hay et Ahmed Fouad El Haddad

Inscription à distance : Lien Zoom

Début : 22 novembre 2022 à 09:30
Fin : 23 novembre 2022 à 13:00
